Monday, November 8, 2010

President Obama & the Ghost of Mahatma Gandhi

   As I write, President Obama is in India. Sunday's November 7th New York Times headlines: "A Gandhi Fan, Obama Faces A New India."
   I also am a "Gandhi fan."
   When preparing my first trip to India in 1956 at the invitation of Nataraja Guru of Bangalore, following my declaration of world government on September 4, 1953 from the city hall of Ellsworth, Maine, being stateless, I designed and had printed the first World Passport which I presented to India's consul in New York to obtain a visa. When he refused to recognize it as a "valid" document, I mentioned that Gandhi was the "father" of modern India and had advocated a world government in the strongest terms. Moreover, I added, that I had been invited to India by one of India's sages to discuss the very formation of that government as a concomitant to India's heritage of  wisdom traditions and values. I insisted he send the passport to New Delhi for either conformation of his refusal or acceptance of the passport for a visa.
   The response from India's government confirmed the consul's refusal with the caveat that I could obtain a 6-month visa on the back of a notarized "Affidavit of Identity" then being issued by steamship companies for those travelers with no other identification. I accepted and when the visa had been stamped on the back of the affidavit, I promptly cut it off and pasted it on the first visa page of my World Passport No. 00001.
   Thus it was that I entered India on March 20, 1956. (See p. 72, My Country is the World).
    Following my visit with the guru during which I became familiar with the Brahma Vidya (Science of the Absolute) teachings, he advised me to "see Pandit Nehru," India’s Prime Minister and close compatriot of Gandhi. I trained to New Delhi after receiving an official OK to see him, spent a half-hour with "Pandiji" and even "issued" him an honorary World Passport which he accepted with a smile remarking "This is the passport Gandhiji would have used."
     I have since traveled to India 5 times identified only by the continually-being upgraded World Passport.
     Now President Obama is in New Delhi also ID'd with an honorary World Passport which I presented to him following his Berlin speech of July 25, 2008 in which he introduced himself to the 200,000 listeners (and the viewing world) as not only a "patriotic American but also a citizen of the world."
     The Times story notes that "Gandhi remains India's patriarch, the founding father whose face is printed on the currency, but modern India is hardly a Gandhian nation."
     "Mr Obama," the article continued, "too, has experienced the clash of those lofty expectations with political realities," noting that "When he accepted the Nobel Peace Prize, even as he was conducting two wars, he described himself as 'living testimony to the moral force' of the nonviolent movement embodied by Dr. King and Gandhi."
     What then is Obama's present mission in India, one of the nine nuclear weapons states, the U.S. being No. 1? Is it to confirm Gandhi's vision of a nonviolent and peaceful world via a world government? Far from it. As he told the world when accepting the iconic "peace" prize from the Norwegian Nobel committee, referring to both 
Martin Luther King and Gandhi, 
"But as a head of state sworn to protect and defend my nation, I cannot be guided by their example alone."

     And there, in one transparent, revelatory confession, you understand our common problem..worldwide.
    The nations divide us..artificially, foolishly and fatally whereas "humanity" ID's us as ALREADY united, functional AND peaceful!
    "You can never change things by fighting the existing reality. If you want to change things, create a new model and you render the existing reality obsolete," wrote Buckminster Fuller. 
Einstein advised us that 
"You can never solve a problem on the same level at which it was created." 

     The Times article, after exposing Obama’s mission–"a trip pitched as a jobs mission"-geo-dialectically opposite to Ghandhian nonviolent principles by India's "inching toward a tighter military relationship with the United States," quoted Gandhi's grandson, Gopalkrisna Gandhi that "Today, the need for a practical idealism is recognized throughout the world."
     Are you listening Barack? The good news is that the Millennium is already here! And we World Citizens are it! In short, it's our world and we're taking over!
    And, incidentally, did you "enter" India with your 'practical idealistic' World Passport as a declared World Citizen as has this writer or with the divisive and historically obsolete, possessively-controlled  US document marked "Diplomatic"?
     Your fellow human, Garry D.



Sunday, October 31, 2010

Changing Lives One Smile at a Time – A Global Peacemaking Mission

     Want to make a child smile? Anytime and Everywhere? One who was born unable to do so? One, unable to swallow, who often has to wear a paper bag over his/her tiny face to hide an ugly cleft lip; a child whose mother cried for days after birth, humiliated, bitter and aggrieved that her baby was so malformed? A child who would not go to school for fear of being humiliated and scorned by fellow students? A child who would never marry? Who may die before her/his first birthday? (1 in 10 children born with a cleft condition!) Want to make mother, the father, and yourself really so happy that joyful and grateful tears are shed by one and all involved when the nurse brings the infant back from a mere 45 minute operation repairing the pre-birth damage and the parents first look at that sweet whole face, for the first time smiling back? Tears do unite all witnesses to this daily blessing.
     Operation Smile has been on what can only be called a "world citizen’s children mission" since 1982. I just witnessed its hour-long video showing the "before-and-after" result of the astounding and delicate work on each child's face by the team of dedicated medical volunteers. My own eyes were also full of tears as I watched the mothers and fathers look with amazement and relief at the beautiful new face of their child. One father remarked in joy that it was as if the child had just been born anew.
     Operation Smile "works in more than 60 countries worldwide," according to its blog, "to provide quality surgical care and give new smiles for children suffering from facial deformities." Millions have already benefited from this humanitarian operation.
     "Children are probably the only 'language' that all of us have in common throughout the world," said Governor Bob McDonnell of Virginia at a recent dedication ceremony of a new center attended by physicians and leaders from over 40 countries. "The combination of medicine and children, I really believe," he added," has the ability to unite nations and people." Amen to that.
    I write three days before the mid-term elections in the United States. Considering the billions of dollars being spent on TV ads throughout this seemingly endless marathon with its total irrelevance to global problems such as the ongoing nuclear threat, the debilitating national armament race, the worldwide economic meltdown of national currencies, the ever-disappearing glaciers in the Arctic and Antarctic, the news of children and their parents being made happy and useful throughout our global village seemed to me to be an eminently worthwhile topic-as well as a meaningful antidote-for this blog.
     I would even suggest respectfully that one or two of the billionaires cited by Forbes, whose total worth exceeds $3 trillion, would help expand Operation Smiles's humanitarian work in the name of the world's innocent children who know no frontiers other than the common despair of their present disfigurement, which, one might say, is  symbolic of the adult world's social and political disharmony and possibly imminent demise.  I note that 78 of the billionaires are women while by Forbes account, only 6 were "self-made." How many are mothers, I wonder?
   The most recent billionaire closest in age (23) to the children themselves is founder of the social-networking site, Facebook, Mark Zuckerberg with $1.5b.  Given Facebook's philosophy and "joining" people to people worldwide (including yours truly), a perfect compliment and analogy of what Operation Smile is accomplishing with these rehabilitated children one-by-one now endowed with a worldwide common bond of joyful usefulness, Mark Zuckerberg, in this writer’s book, therefore, becomes a most logical benefactor (among other billionaires, of course) to advance this essential work in the name of a nascent humanity to which both the children and the Facebook constituency may enjoy life in happy global togetherness.[1] An operation costs a mere $240 yet insures a life of infinite value to a budding world citizen and, who knows, mayhap the universe itself!

[1] Convention on the Rights of the Child: (excerpts)

The States Parties to the present Convention,
Recalling that, in the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, the United Nations has proclaimed that childhood is entitled to special care and assistance,
    Convinced that the family, as the fundamental group of society and the natural environment for the growth and well-being of all its members and particularly children, should be afforded the necessary protection and assistance so that it can fully assume its responsibilities within the community,
   Recognizing that the child, for the full and harmonious development of his or her personality, should grow up in a family environment, in an atmosphere of happiness, love and understanding,
   Bearing in mind that the need to extend particular care to the child has been stated in the Geneva Declaration of the Rights of the Child of 1924 and in the Declaration of the Rights of the Child adopted by the General Assembly on 20 November 1959 and recognized in the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, in the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights (in particular in articles 23 and 24), in the International Covenant on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights (in particular in article 10) and in the statutes and relevant instruments of specialized agencies and international organizations concerned with the welfare of children,
Have agreed as follows:
Article 23
1. States Parties recognize that a mentally or physically disabled child should enjoy a full and decent life, in conditions which ensure dignity, promote self-reliance and facilitate the child's active participation in the community.
2. States Parties recognize the right of the disabled child to special care and shall encourage and ensure the extension, subject to available resources, to the eligible child and those responsible for his or her care, of assistance for which application is made and which is appropriate to the child's condition and to the circumstances of the parents or others caring for the child.
3. Recognizing the special needs of a disabled child, assistance extended in accordance with paragraph 2 of the present article shall be provided free of charge, whenever possible, taking into account the financial resources of the parents or others caring for the child, and shall be designed to ensure that the disabled child has effective access to and receives education, training, health care services, rehabilitation services, preparation for employment and recreation opportunities in a manner conducive to the child's achieving the fullest possible social integration and individual development, including his or her cultural and spiritual development
Article 24
1. States Parties recognize the right of the child to the enjoyment of the highest attainable standard of health and to facilities for the treatment of illness and rehabilitation of health. States Parties shall strive to ensure that no child is deprived of his or her right of access to such health care services.
2. States Parties shall pursue full implementation of this right and, in particular, shall take appropriate measures:
(a) To diminish infant and child mortality;
(b) To ensure the provision of necessary medical assistance and health care to all children with emphasis on the development of primary health care;
 (d) To ensure appropriate pre-natal and post-natal health care for mothers;

Monday, May 31, 2010

World Thought -- Corollary to World Action

Monday, May 31, 2010

“Change the tool and you can change the world.”
“You all live aboard a beautiful spaceship called Earth.”
--Buckminster Fuller

I write on "Memorial Day"–the "remembering day" in the United States of those who fought and "died" for their country. I remember all too well my elder brother Bud's death at Salerno in 1943 when I was in pilot training at Ryan Field, Arizona. Did he really die for the fictional "United States of America"? I'll never know what he thought about that. As for me, all I wanted was "revenge" for those who killed my brother. My bombing of German cities from the B-17s I flew in the 92nd Bomb Group out of Poddington, UK soon followed.

But it didn't help.

Because I couldn't forget those civilians who died under my bombs (which always makes me cringe inside when anyone "Thanks" me for my wartime service.)

And the national war game continues apace. Case in point: The US government has ordered 2,400 F-35 jets at $113 million apiece: cost $271 billion…."The US has spent more than 5.5 trillion $ in developing their nuclear arsenal and France has spent about 1.5 trillion $." (See

The "other side" of that "remembering," is the challenge to think through war's cause in order to eliminate it. Or else why just remember only the suffering and death? What percentage of war veterans, for instance, Americans and others, have come to that realization, then acted on it? And since the age of "world wars" (really "international" wars) beginning in 1914 continues to this very day, it goes without saying that "world thought" alone leading to "world action" is the self-evident antidote to "international" war.

Besides, since August 5, 1945, the fictional frontiers of nations became redundant given the "indiscriminate" nature of atomic/nuclear weaponry.

Speaking of worldly disasters, this Sunday morning on the various TV news shows, the main subject was not the possibility of nuclear holocaust but the BP Gulf oil spill, not only an environmental disaster of monstrous proportions but also a devastating humiliation of impotence for every human watching the oil gushing out of the depths of the earth 5,000 feet below the surface into the pristine Gulf waters. Apparently unstoppable from the earth's bowels creating deadly pollution in living water, the black oil is revealing something ominous about ourselves. Is there not an immediate and global link between the worldwide use of oil (especially by the war machines) and the propensity of a national community still at war with itself? Is there a statistical count of what percentage of the world's oil is used by those national machines of destruction?

Now that would make useful reading on this Memorial Day.

Sixty-six years after WWII, at 88, I am about to fly to Washington, DC Tuesday to attend "The Buckminster Fuller Challenge Award." at the National Press Club. A prize of $100,000 is to be awarded to one of 25 entries from 27 countries. The winner would be responding to the Bucky Fuller dictum of "Challenge to our minds, our experience, for the highest advantage of others in the shortest possible time."

A propos, the author of Critical Path reminded us that "All who are really dedicated to the earliest possible attainment of economic and physical success for all humanity-and thereby realistically to eliminate war–will have to shift their efforts from the political arena to participation in the design revolution." And more explicitly in The Crunch of Giants he wrote ominously that "We may soon be atom-bombed into extinction by the pre-emptive folly of the political puppet administrators fronting for the exclusively-for-money-making supranational corporations' weaponry industry of the now hopelessly bankrupt greatest–weapons-manufacturing nation, the U.S.A."

Bucky also insisted in Critical Path that he was not "a political revolutionary," but a "design science revolutionary. " "I sought to change the environment, not the humans," he wrote. Nevertheless, regarding the illusion of national sovereignty, he insisted that "All of the 150 nations of our planet are about to be desovereignized by evolution, that is, they are about to become operatively obsolete–about to be given up altogether.”

Thus his over-arching and succinct prescription for humanity's success in Utopia or Oblivion was: "Essence of the world's working will be to make every man able to become a world citizen and able to enjoy the whole earth, going wherever he wants at any time, able to take care of all his needs of all his forward days without any interference with any other man and never at the cost of another man's equal freedom and advantage." (Emphasis added).

Further, he noted in Utopian or Oblivion, that "world citizenship is coming about by itself," that "This picture is of the now visibly developing new 'world man'..a man who talked about being a ‘world citizen'..(Yes, it was this writer!).

Indeed, the computer on which I am writing this blog and the internet to which I will upload it when finished, then your reading it on your computer anywhere on the planet conveyed by satellite is surely adequate and self-evident proof enough of this giant's vision.

After my return from India in 1956 during which I had traveled with the first World Passport both to and from,* I attended one of Bucky's talks in 1956, in Philadelphia. He was delighted to receive from me one of the first edition of the global document.

May his myriad followers throughout the global village likewise seek this powerful tool representing his/her world citizenship living in our frontierless world those astronauts in the Space Station regard in wonder and euphoria every 90 minutes during its 11,000 mph endless whirl around our home planet.

So don't leave without a World Passport!



Sunday, April 4, 2010

The "Law" on the "International Space Station"

Astronaut Tracy Caldwell, circling planet Earth every 90 minutes in the "International Space Station," will be able to hug astronauts Naoko Yamazaki, Stephanie Wilson and Dorothy Metcalf-Lindenburger as they enter the confined space ship tomorrow morning adding to the feminine total of 54 of the 517 spacefarers since Yuri Gagarin became the world's first space traveler in 1961. With the feminine gender aboard, the question of "law" in space becomes increasingly relevant, especially when on the 236 miles beneath them, the condition of anarchy and war mostly dominated by the male gender - an ancient "bonding" phenomenon - still persists on home base.

Are these humans of the female gender sufficiently aware of the legal codes dominating that minute space when whizzing by umpteen national frontiers at 17,180 mph about 16 times daily? And how will that influence their own political awareness once they debark on good old Mother Earth? Uncontrolled? And without national passports?

Is it not "world law" then which prevails between the space travelers, or "national law?" Are there tiny frontiers marked off on the ship which the various travelers must pass after being "controlled"? And by whom? What! No border guards on Space Shuttles?Absurd questions, right? What one word would characterize the "lawful" principle joining both the individual and collective activities of a spaceship crew? "Systemic." "All systems, go!"

Indeed, I for one am delighted that female members of our common humanity are "out there" systemically observing that beautiful celestial orb, covered 70% with water, every 1.30 hours at 17,180 mph. It's surely an enlightening and transforming experience as many astronauts have remarked upon their "return."

NASA Space Operations Chief, Bill Gerstenmaier, when apprised of the imminent women-in-space record, remarked that "Maybe that's a credit to the system, right? That I don't think of it as male or female. I just think of it as a talented group of people going to do their job in space."

Well "I'd love to have those numbers higher," replied Stephanie Wilson, who is making her third shuttle flight. "But I think that we have made a great start and have paved the way with women now being able to perform the same duties as men in space-flight."

Sisters of the world, YOU ARE ALSO WITH THEM IN SPIRIT! AND IN VISION! AND ESPECIALLY IN DE FACTO WORLD LAW! Please, for heaven's sake, take it to heart and mind. We World Citizens need your insight, support and strength.


But I would go further. First off, the name is all wrong. That incredible revolving marvel 236 miles above our collective heads is both in concept and in reality a "World Space Station." "International" indeed! So 18th century. Totally inadequate for our century of instant communication, satellites girdling the globe, permitting upwards of 3 billion to watch the Olympic Games and soccer and golf matches, with cell phones on every ear, plus 7-year-olds at schools worldwide operating individual computers on every desk, and, of course, Google, Yahoo, Bing, Nexis, Sogou, Yandex, and craigslist, etc.. .

Secondly, its empty interior, peopled by fellow humans and especially those of the feminine sex, is realistic and historic evidence of "world law" per se, that is OPERATING for those lucky persons inhabiting that off-planet space vehicle, however restricted. (See my blog on Space). Deny it not national presidents, prime ministers, border guards, spies, diplomats, CEOs of transnational corporations and lastly, those unfortunate armed largely male humans in various national uniforms ordered by frustrated and impotent national "leaders" to kill one another in the name of national "peace," the deadliest oxymoron of any century.

Finally, today is Easter for the Christian world. War President Barack Obama, caught in the web of an 18th century constitution when muskets and cannon balls were the epitome of weaponry, and sovereignty officially and artificially divided between the people and the president,* hailed "the "shared spirit of humanity" in his Easter message to the world of humans.

"On this Easter weekend," he lectured us, "let us hold fast to those aspirations we hold in common as brothers and sisters, as members of the same family - the family of man." When, in Berlin, addressing over 200,000 Berliners, as this space reported earlier, Obama id'd himself as a "citizen of the world" for which confession we, of the World Service Authority, issued to him an "honorary World Passport." No need here to expose the president's verbal contradictions when accepting the ill-suited Nobel Peace Laureate award.

Dear readers, the lesson is crystal-clear. Just as the mythical frontiers of nationalism are nakedly revealed as relative, passe and historically dysfunctional, so the immutable and eternal laws of unity are startlingly and celestially revealed by this whirling systemic space bus.

To the world's Christians, indeed He is risen!

As a "Citizen of the Universe."


*Contrast Article 2, Section 2 with the Ninth Amendment.

Monday, March 15, 2010

The ICC, World Peace AND YOU!

Let's face it, should World War III explode, it would obviously be the end not only of the International Criminal Court but most if not all of the lower national courts. Needless to repeat (ad nauseam), it could also be the end of human civilization. Ho hum.

So this space boldly and irreverently poses this inconvenient if pertinent question: What has the ICC in particular to do, if anything, with world peace AS SUCH? If, as its Statute provides, it is designed to indict "Enemies of Humanity," and certainly those humans who have their itchy fingers poised above their respective nuclear triggers all pointing at WE, THE PEOPLE can legitimately be considered our mutual "enemies," should we not exercise our own due diligence to insist that our right to live is sacrosanct? And guess, with mind-boggling disbelief, who these noted humans are threatening our very lives? Why none other than our vaunted Heads of State and Prime Ministers, our fellow humans who we ourselves may have even elected (sometimes). How very, very odd (not to mention, insane).

Should not WE, THE PEOPLE then, who would become the victims of their ultimate folly, take full advantage of this "international criminal court," sitting there in the Hague with 15 members of our own human race no doubt wondering what in hell WE, THE PEOPLE (of the world community) are waiting for? I mean, are they even earning their salaries, which of course would cease along with them if any one of the 27,000 nuclear buttons were pushed?

I, for one, am willing to address this penultimate issue, in your name, to the ICC. Since, anyway, I am what all nations call "stateless," and have claimed, by virtue of the sovereign right of political choice*, to ally my personal sovereignty to humanity itself as of 1948, I have nothing to lose and everything to gain (if the ICC prosecutor, Luis Moreno-Ocampo, accepts the indictment). Call it a "class-action suit in humanity's name." What could be more relevant to global peace-making? But what if The Honorable Moreno-Ocampo refuses to accept such a logical, and, if I may say so, legitimate suit against, say, heads of the nuclear states, what would we do then? Ah, again it's obvious.


Fortuitously enough, with uncanny foresight, we have already foreseen the possibility that, despite the ICC's overt mission to adjudicate the Nuremberg Principles, one of which describes "enemies of humanity," as well as "crimes against peace," and "war crimes," we, the citizens of the World Government of World Citizens, have already announced a Statute for just such a court. (See through the good services of the International Law Commission headed by the former eminent jurist Luis Kutner.

And what about the "world citizen contract" that we, registered world citizens have made BETWEEN each other? Is it not valid, "de facto"? Is it not legitimate, "de juris"? Doesn't law after all begin with us, especially and ultimately world law? Bottom line: Aren't we, the people, sovereign in toto? If someone in South Burlington, Vermont (me, for instance) goes "online"and contacts, say, Shrishir Savistava in Lucknow, India, also online and together we make an agreement not to attack each other in war, a preposterous analogy, I admit, are we not then making a "world peace civic contract" which would stand up in any court? Heck, even transnational corporations like IBM, Toyota, WalMarts, GM, etc., etc. are operating integrally with their own respective factories throughout the world while recently via a US Supreme Court decision they have even been declared "legitimate persons."

Ironically, are not these colossal, transnational, commercial behemoths equally threatened by a potential WWIII still on the 18th century nation-state dysfunctional table?

I maintain that each and every human who claims world citizenship is making a viable "contract of world peace" with every other human no matter where or who or when AND THAT CONTRACT IS EVERY BIT AS LEGITIMATE AS THE NATIONAL HEAD OF STATE'S ALLEGED RIGHT TO WAGE WAR "AS A LAST RESORT."

Furthermore that the world citizen's right to "contract" for world peace not only supersedes but neutralizes that of the nation-state leaders right to wage war. After all, nations don't die as they have never lived. Aren't all creations, including states, for Us, the humans born into the species called humankind..(Emphasis on "kind")? One could argue that the ICC cannot "outlaw" war because that is the province of a world parliament. However, "Any State using nuclear or thermonuclear weapons is to be considered as violating the Charter of the United Nations, as acting contrary to the laws of humanity, and as committing a crime against mankind and civilization." United Nations Resolution 33/71, December 1978. And "The use of nuclear weapons would be a violation of the Charter of the United Nations and a crime against humanity." United Nations Resolution 35/152-0D, December 21, 1980.

What to do? I, Garry Davis, stateless World Citizen, acting in the name of the "constituency" of registered World Citizens, will petition the ICC, in a class-action suit, for an indictment against all Prime Ministers and Heads of State of nuclear powers as "enemies of humanity" in
accordance with the Nuremberg Principles which entered into the alleged structure of "international law" by resolution of the United Nations General Assembly on November 24, 1961:Resolution 1653 (XV)

Now such a case will cost money what with research, printing, publicity, travel, etc. And the World Service Authority, indeed, has a "treasury" of 4,500 World Kilowatt Dollars (in 10 dollar denominations), each one signed personally by yours truly, which are indeed negotiable, however, I am asking here and now that each and every registered World Citizen donate a minimum of $10.00 US (or whatever you can afford) to WSA's Legal Fund so we can move forward with all reasonable haste. (For each $100 donation, WSA will exchange a historic $K10, numbered). National nuclear budgets alarmingly are on the rise, especially among the two main possessors of nuclear bombs: the USA and Russia. But that doesn't mean they are more or less dangerous than, for instance, those of Israel, China, Pakistan, India, the UK, France or North Korea's, all nuclear powers.

WE HAVE MADE THE DONATION PROCESS SIMPLE. On the legal page of our main web site ( you may donate directly via PayPal to the "Legal Dept." So please do so! With my thanks.

Further, in order to affirm your personal agreement of and commitment to this action, I will ask you to sign an "Affidavit of Support" in order that my representation will have the proper legitimacy. Here is a sample:

Einstein the "father" of the nuclear age, reminded us that "Imagination is more important that intelligence," and that "If we don't eliminate war, war will eliminate us." To declare and be registered as a World Citizen is only the first step. Now you must ACTIVATE that global status. Announce it to everyone around you (including your internet list); procure your global documents (from the World Service Authority) especially the World Citizen Card and the World Passport; THEN join me in this class-action suit to invoke the very world laws which alone can eliminate the anarchic condition which breeds war and all the miseries it bring.


Words to the wise (especially the mothers and the children of the world).

I'm counting on you to do me the honor and pleasure by allowing me to represent you at the ICC on this historic issue.

Warmly, in one world,

Garry Davis

* "No one shall be arbitrarily deprived of his nationality nor denied the right to change his nationality." Art. 15,Universal Declaration of Human Rights.
"The will of the people shall be the basis of the authority of government." Art 21(3), Universal Declaration of Human Rights.

Wednesday, January 27, 2010

The Many Hats of a National President

"I like to believe that people in the long run are going to do more to promote peace than our governments. Indeed, I think that people want peace so much that one of these days governments had better get out of the way and let them have it."

"Every gun that is made, every warship launched, every rocket fired, signifies in the final sense a theft from those who hunger and are not fed, those who are cold and are not clothed."
President Dwight Eisenhower
Commander-in-chief of
Allied forces in World War II

"We have learned to be citizens of the world, members of the human community."
President Franklin Delano Roosevelt
World War II President
President Barak Obama will speak tonight to the American people, if rumors are correct, mainly about the dire U.S. economy with its $14+ trillion debt and $663 billion military budget (not including $9.1 billion for its nuclear program) for 2010. But while listening, contrast his words on September 23, 2009 to the assembled (and no doubt embarrassed) diplomats of the United Nations.
Here is a smattering of relevant excerpts (without comment) consistent with the quotes above of Obama's fellow presidents:
"Mr. President, Mr. Secretary-General..determined to act boldly and collectively on behalf of justice and prosperity at home and abroad..
It is my deeply held belief that the energy we use can sustain our planet, or destroy it..
In the year 2009, more than any point in history, the interest of nations and people are shared..
In this hall, we come from many places, but we share a common future..
Because the time has come for the world to move in a new direction. We must embrace a new era of engagement based on mutual interests and mutual respect, and our work must begin now..
We have sought-in word and deed-a new era of engagement with the world. Now is the time for all of us to take our responsibility for a global respect to global challenges..
..the magnitude of our challenges has yet to be met by the measure of our action..
The structure of world peace cannot be the work of one man, or one party, or one nation..
It cannot be a peace of large nations or of small nations. It must be a peace which rests on the cooperative effort of the whole world..
No world order that elevates one nation or group over another will succeed..
Together, we must build new coalitions that bridge old divides, coalitions of different faiths and creeds, or north and south, east and west; black, white, and brown.. serve the common interests of human beings..
..four pillars that are fundamental to the future that we want for our children: nonproliferation and disarmament, the promotion of peace and security; the preservation of our planet; and a global economy that advances opportunity for all people.. a world without (nuclear weapons)..
The world must stand together to demonstrate that international law is not an empty promise..that the future does not belong to fear..
..the most powerful weapon in our arsenal is the hope of human beings, the belief that the future belongs to those who build, not destroy..
But all of us must decide whether we are serious about peace, or whether we only lend it lip-service..
These are God's children. (Palestinians) And after all the political and all the posturing, this is about the right of every human being to live with dignity and security..
And far too many people in far too many places live through the daily crises that challenge our common humanity..
I believe that the people of the world want this future for their children. And that is why we must champion those principles which endure that governments reflect the will of the people..
..democracy and human rights are essential to achieving each of the goals that I have discussed today..
Because governments of the people and by the people are more likely to act in the broader interests of their own people rather than in the narrow interests of those in power..
The people of the world want change..
This Assembly's Charter commits each of us.."to reaffirm faith in the fundamental human rights, in the dignity and worth of the human the equal rights of men and women.." Among those rights is the freedom to speak your mind and worship as you please; the promise of equality of the races, and the opportunity for women and girls to pursue their own potential..
..the ability of citizens to have a say in how you are governed, and to have confidence in the administration of justice..
There are basic principles that are universal..
There are certain truths which are self-evident."

My insistent question since 1948, as you might have guessed if you are a faithful reader, is simply what we, the citizens of the world, are doing to claim our planet before it disappears in a flash of nuclear flame? Roosevelt is said to have enjoined a group of irate citizens who were demanding something or other, "Make me do it!"

While Obama is a master wordsmith as other presidents have been before him, we, the citizens of the world, are the prime power of political change if we but knew it. Emerson wrote that "Politicians follow haltingly and at a distance the will of the people."

To this end, a new educational tool is presently online (but in construction: The World Government Foundation web site: (shortly to be changed to which will buttress the present World Government site presently at where you can register your innate world citizenship and learn how to exercise your sovereignty on the planetary level. The electronic tools are here and now.

Let's syntegrate! (To quote Stafford Beer).
